#HERstory: Celebrating Women’s History Month 2025

Continuing our #HERStory campaign, this Women’s History Month, we celebrate three remarkable women who are instrumental to our success at KAR – Soraya Amir, Carina Berlin, and Bridget Costello.

Soraya Amir

Marketing Associate

What is one piece of advice you wish you knew before working in finance?


I think a main piece of advice that’s really stuck with me through my career so far is to be courageous and to step outside of your comfort zone. And even though it’s scary to do things that you’re not very comfortable with, it pays off in the long run. That’s where you grow, that’s where you learn, and that’s where you expose yourself to new things.

You're not wrong for asking questions. Even if it's scary to do so, but just to put yourself out there and be who you are.

What inspired you to pursue a career in Marketing? 


I graduated from college with a major in marketing and a minor in international business. I always knew I was very passionate about that career and about marketing in general. You can wear so many different hats in this role, especially marketing and finance. It’s a very cross-functional position, and the marketing team here at Kayne works on social media campaigns some days and then e-mail campaigns and then webinars, video production, client events, marketing collateral, creating our presentations and portfolio reviews, whatever it may be, the list is A to Z. But I think that’s why I enjoy marketing so much is because it is so multifaceted.

FUN FACT: I am fluent in Farsi. I love to travel and try to visit a new country every year. 

Have you had women mentors who have helped you succeed in your career? 


Stephanie Gillman, who is the Managing Director for our Marketing Team, has fostered this community for all of us of openness and curiosity and just being who you are. And she always reminds everybody on our team in our department and in the firm to always ask questions. You’re not wrong for asking questions. Even if it’s scary to do so, but just to put yourself out there and be who you are.

Carina Berlin

Wealth Advisor

FUN FACT: I am an active volunteer at NKLA animal shelter in West LA. In 2020 I fostered ten dogs (not all at once)!

How do you see the future of women in finance evolving over the next decade?


I think the great wealth transfer, which is happening now is an amazing opportunity for women in the financial services industry as tens of trillions of dollars are set to move from baby boomers to Gen X.   More women are becoming financial decision-makers and women are in control of a greater share in wealth than we’ve ever seen before. I’m really optimistic that our industry is going to embrace that shift and see the need for more women at the table, especially in leadership roles. I’m really proud to be part of an organization like Kayne Anderson Rudnick where about 50% of the leadership roles are held by women.

What’s one piece of advice a mentor has shared with you that has impacted your career?


I was very fortunate to have a manager and a mentor early in my career that often spoke about Grit and how it was essential for success in our industry. Big picture, Grit is passion and perseverance. In my day-to-day practice, Grit is setting goals and holding myself accountable. Grit is staying calm and resilient in challenging markets. And Grit is always pushing for the best solutions for my clients.

I was very fortunate to have a manager and a mentor early in my career that often spoke about Grit and how it was essential for success in our industry.

Outside of work, what activities or hobbies bring you joy?


Outside of work, I’m really passionate about animal rescue. I’ve been a volunteer for the past 10 years at Best Friends Animal Society Adoption Facility in Los Angeles, where I serve as a dog handler and caregiver. What I really love most about the facility is often we receive animals that are very scared and shut down and seeing something so simple as calm and consistent interaction soften their defenses and help unlock their true personalities really pushes me forward.

Bridget Costello

Wealth Advisor
My proudest career achievement, I think, to date would be finishing the certified financial planner designation.

What inspired you to pursue a career in finance? 


When I went to college, my mother let me work for her for a few summers. And I was just in awe of how well respected she was in the workplace and how she helped people. She’s really good at solving problems and thinking outside of the box. And I loved watching her and her workplace and beautiful outfits, helping people and always being in high demand. And I thought that is something that I want to do. I want to help people.

FUN FACT: I spend all my free time riding my horse, Cambridge, preparing him for the show ring.

Can you describe a moment in your career that you are proud of?


My proudest career achievement, I think, to date would be finishing the certified financial planner designation. It was really hard when I took the CFP way back in the day, I had to go to work full time and then drive into the city in Boston and take classes a few nights a week. And it was 2 years of that. I remember leaving both days after the exam thinking to myself, there’s no way I passed that test. When I got the results and I had passed the exam, it was probably one of the top days in my professional life. I was so thrilled that the work that I had put in paid off and would now allow me to really work with clients in a deeper way.

How can mentorship empower women in finance?


I spend a great deal of time mentoring several young women at the firm today who are incredibly intelligent. And I think that the future for them is unbelievably vast. On the team that I work on, we 3 women investment adviser associates. They’re so talented and so caring about our clients. They help with everything from onboarding new clients to wiring money out and placing trades. And I engage with them really all day, every day. They come to me with questions, and we collaborate on different situations.

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