In this edition of KayneCast, Executive Managing Director Steve Rigali and Portfolio Manager Todd Beiley discuss our Small Cap Sustainable Growth strategy and our overall approach to quality investing,
Podcast Highlights
• 0:40: Small Cap Sustainable Growth Strategy Approach
• 3:55: Risk Profile and Portfolio Expectations
• 5:39: Performance over the Recent Market Cycle
• 8:40: Opportunities in the Current Environment
• 10:55: Closing Thoughts on the Small Cap Asset Class
Sneak Peek:
Welcome to Kaynecast, the Kayne Anderson Rudnick podcast series. I’m Steve Rigali, Executive Managing Director at KAR. With me today is Todd Beiley. Todd is a portfolio manager and senior research analyst at KAR. Todd has been with the firm for 21 years, and he has over 24 years of research experience. Todd and I will be discussing one of the strategies that Todd co-manages with Jon Christensen, the Kayne Anderson Rudnick Small-Cap Sustainable Growth portfolio. So, Todd, let’s start the discussion by having you provide the key elements to your investment approach on this portfolio. Also, how do you view that you are different from other managers in your approach?
Todd: Sure. Thank you, Steve. I think there’s a few important elements to our approach that make us quite different from our peers and are important to understanding how we provide investment returns and results to our clients. First of all, we’re trying to find and invest in businesses that have tremendous longevity to them and an ability to be financially prosperous for an extended period of time…click above to listen to the full podcast.
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