Adam Stutz
Marketing Compliance Manager
KAR: 2020
B.A., Communications Studies,
Sonoma State University
- Compliance Consultant – Core Compliance & Legal Services., Inc.
- Compliance Registration/Code of Ethics Analyst – Brandes Investment Partners, L.P.
What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Job?
The opportunity to learn more about how the SEC’s regulatory framework impacts our business and how best to problem solve for these rules and regulations in order to protect the firm and our clients.
What Do You Enjoy Most About Working at KAR?
What I enjoy most about working at KAR are the people. Ever since I started at KAR, everyone has been so kind and generous with their time and knowledge. I’m especially grateful for my team and for the opportunity to continue to grow alongside them.
What Are You Involved in Outside of Work?
When I’m not at work, I’m editing an on-line poetry and art journal and trying to get out to attend as many poetry and book events as I can on the weekends.
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