Charlie Wang, CFA

Research Analyst

Start Date
Industry: 2018
KAR: 2024
Research Experience: 2020

B.S. Industrial Engineering, Northwestern University

Prior Work Experience
  • Investment Analyst – One01 Capital
  • Senior Equity Research Associate – Dodge & Cox
  • Investment Banking Analyst – Barclays

What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Job?
I’ve been drawn to high-quality companies since the beginning of my investment career, even before I knew it was called quality investing. I enjoy studying the moats of different businesses and what makes them grow or shrink over time, as well as learning from the people who run high-quality companies. I believe that the highest-quality businesses are like rare gems, and finding them is like a treasure hunt.


What Do You Enjoy Most About Working at KAR?

I love that our investment philosophy is fully aligned at KAR – focused on evaluating business qualities such as competitive advantage, the ability to generate high returns, capital allocation, and management quality, along with sharing a long-term investment horizon. This alignment makes interactions much easier, as we are all on the same page about what to focus on and, perhaps more importantly, what to ignore. My colleagues at KAR are also smart, knowledgeable, caring, and humble, making it truly enjoyable to spend time with them at work.

What Are You Involved in Outside of Work?

I love spending time with family and friends, traveling, and exploring new restaurants in the area.

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Contact Charlie Wang, CFA

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