Julie Biel, CFA
Chief Market Strategist, Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst
KAR: 2013
Research Experience: 2004
Small and mid-capitalization information technology and healthcare
- MBA, University of California, Los Angeles
- B.A., Economics and Psychology, New York University
- Equity Research Associate – Imperial Capital
- Equity Research Associate – Merrill Lynch
What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Job?
I love our process and philosophy and will tell anyone who listens about it. Most investors have to have an opinion on every stock, because if it’s cheap enough, you should buy it. You can sometimes get into stocks with businesses you’re not quite sure about because they’re cheap. At Kayne, if I come across a business and can be pretty sure it will never reach our quality standards, I don’t need to do any more work. I don’t need to agonize that at some magic price, we should buy it. This gives me so much more time and headspace to just focus on understanding the quality businesses we own and new candidates we could invest in.
What Do You Enjoy Most About Working at KAR?
I feel really lucky to work with such humble people who really try to take the emotion and ego out of investing. Some of our PMs have records anyone would dream of, but you can go into their office, and the first thing they’ll tell you is all the mistakes they’ve made. For most PMs, you could spend an hour talking to them about how things are going lately, and you wouldn’t really be able to tell if they’re having a good quarter or bad quarter just by their moods. The long-term focus and a conviction in quality really shines through the team. The temperament of our team, patient–thoughtful, and thorough–is what really sets us apart.
What Are You Involved in Outside of Work?
Outside of work, I ride and compete horses in show jumping. The competitions are based on jumping the fences cleanly and quickly. It’s a huge rush of adrenaline, but it is also about the relationship you build with an animal without words. It satisfies both a need to compete, as well as a chance to connect. It’s also so expensive, I’ll never be able to retire from KAR 🙂
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