Press Release

Financial Professionals Offer Their Tips for Acing the CFP Exam

October 18, 2023

Brian Chang, CFP®, CFA Quoted in Barron's The Big Q

The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation signifies expertise in financial planning, demonstrating a commitment to high ethical and professional standards. Obtaining this certification involves a rigorous two three-hour session exam over the course of a day. Senior Wealth Advisor and CFP instructor at University of California, Irvine, Brian Chang, CFP®, CFA shares his advice with Barron’s Advisor’s The Big Q on how to best prepare for taking the exam.

He shares his tactic for addressing multiple choice responses citing that “if you’ve done the studying, you will know that certain responses are clearly wrong. Getting those out of the way narrows down your choices.”

Brian also notes that “when it comes to the actual CFP content, it’s a lot of breadth and a little bit of depth” so while there are a lot of topics covered, it does not necessarily mean that you need to delve deeply into each subject.

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