Press Release

KAR Senior Wealth Advisors Named 2022 Leaders of Influence

May 13, 2022

Kayne Anderson Rudnick (KAR) is proud to announce that Spuds Powell, Managing Director, and Darnel Bentz, Senior Wealth Advisor, were recently named “Leaders of Influence: Wealth Managers” by Los Angeles Business Journal.

Commenting on the honorees, Stephen Rigali, KAR Executive Managing Director said: “The KAR team is proud to congratulate Spuds and Darnel on this well-deserved recognition. Their commitment to our clients and the values of the firm exemplifies the goals of KAR as an organization and our culture.”

According to the Los Angeles Business Journal, the honoree profiles were drawn from submitted nomination materials, and “those selected for inclusion were reviewed by the editorial department and chosen based on a demonstration of impact made on the profession and on the Los Angeles community.” The nominee profiles feature information about their careers, practice, and a look at what makes them leaders in their field.

A highlight from the write-up on Spuds included: “Powell also is recognized as a wealth manager who advocates for ‘playing great defense’ during challenging economic environments. Clear communications with clients to define risk and their comfort giving a little upside in periods of volatility and high market risk is a strategy that Powell’s clients say they greatly value.”

Darnel’s profile highlighted: “Bentz focuses on the integration of alternative investment strategies and the customization of client financial plans. His ability to connect and build strong bonds with his clients allowed him to achieve a record year at KAR, adding $100 million in client assets as of the end of 2021. Bentz’s professional priority is for clients to experience the highest-quality service, gain valuable peace of mind, and have confidence that their life goals are obtainable and will be achieved.”

To read the full honoree feature, including individual profiles of Spuds and Darnel, click here.
To access the full list honoree PDF, click here.


Learn more about Why Our Clients Choose KAR and contact our Wealth Management team today.


KAR has not paid fees to the award sponsor to obtain the award and does not anticipate that it will pay fees to re-license the award. KAR sponsored an ad in the 2022 Los Angeles Business Journal Leaders of Influence: Wealth Management publication but doing so was not a prerequisite to winning the award.


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