Press Release

Sam Waltman Recognized as 'Fast Growing Advisor to Watch'

July 20, 2023

2023 AdvisorHub’s “200 Fast Growing Advisors to Watch” list

LOS ANGELES — July 10, 2023— Sam Waltman, CFA, CFP® Senior Wealth Advisor, has ranked on AdvisorHub’s “200 Fast Growing Advisors to Watch” list for 2023. Waltman was ranked 82nd out of the 200 honorees from over 374 nominations.

For additional information on the ranking and the full list, visit:

“Sam’s ability to educate clients, no matter their level of experience, has proven to be advantageous during any type of market environment, but especially during the volatility we saw in 2022,” said Stephen A. Rigali, Executive Managing Director. “The Executive Committee congratulates Sam on this ranking, which recognizes how, through education, he has become successful by helping clients remain grounded without making emotionally driven decisions.”

As stated by the publication, this ranking is intended to “shine a light on advisors who have grown through uncertain markets.” This ranking’s criteria is based on the scope of practice measured by assets, production and level of service; growth of practice consisting of year over year growth in assets, households and production; and lastly, professionalism which includes regulatory record, community service and team diversity.

Contact our Salt Lake City office to speak with Sam.


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