What Do You Enjoy Most About Working at KAR?
The special culture of KAR is the primary reason I have been at the firm for over 25 years. We spend many hours of our day away from other things that we enjoy (like our families). So I believe it is very important to work with people that we enjoy, to feel challenged and to have the opportunity to evolve and grow, to have mutual respect with our peers and colleagues and, it goes without saying, to have the highest ethical standards. We also have a very client-centric attitude. When faced with a difficult situation with multiple options, when you look at it from a client standpoint, the decisions really become easy. This is a guiding principle that we live by and it makes work and decision making much easier when you approach it from that viewpoint.
What Are You Involved in Outside of Work?
Outside of KAR, my main focus is my family. I am fortunate to have a wonderful husband, three kids and let’s not forget the dog. Balancing work and family is always a challenge and, having been at the firm for over 25 years, I find myself very fortunate that work also feels like family to me. I think it is also important to note that I am not unique in this situation. If you look at the employees across the firm, over 40% of our employees have been with us over 15 years and over 20% have been with us over 20 years.
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