Julie Kutasov

Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst

Start Date
Industry: 2000
KAR: 2001
Research Experience: 2001
Sector Coverage

Small and mid-capitalization materials, industrials and utilities

  • MBA, Harvard Business School
  • B.A., Business Economics, University of California, Los Angeles
Prior Work Experience
  • Goldman Sachs program focused on investment management for high-net-worth individuals
  • Senior Associate – Arthur Andersen

What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Job?
I feel very lucky that I am in a profession that allows me to be challenged intellectually every day no matter how long I have been in the industry. That makes me very excited to come to work on a daily basis. In fact, I am as enthusiastic today about coming to work as I was on my very first day at Kayne Anderson Rudnick.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Working at KAR?
The most enjoyable part about working at KAR is the culture. No matter how much we have grown (and we’ve grown quite a bit in my time here), it still feels like a small, family-like firm. The first thing you notice is the respect that everyone has for each other on the team. And when I use the word “team,” it is very genuine. It is a very collaborative environment and that helps you grow professionally.

What Are You Involved in Outside of Work?
I’ve always admired those that find time in their busy schedules to help other less fortunate people in need. I was truly honored to join the Board of Trustees of a Los Angeles-based student scholarship foundation several years ago, which I was a recipient of myself as an undergrad at UCLA. There is nothing more rewarding than being involved in young people’s lives and to see their dreams come true.

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Contact Julie Kutasov

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