(#1 in 2017-2020, 2022)

Forbes Top RIA List
Tyler Sterk, CPA, CFP®
Wealth Advisor
KAR: 2022
B.A., Business Economics
with Accounting Emphasis,
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Associate Wealth Advisor – Brown Wealth Management (BWM)
- Associate Wealth Advisor – Merrill Lynch
- Tax Accountant – Hamilton Tharp
- Certified Public Accountant
- Certified Financial Planner®
- Series 66

(#1 in 2017-2020, 2022)

Forbes Top RIA List
What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Job?
The most rewarding part of my job is developing personal and trusting relationships with my clients. It’s a great privilege and responsibility to be a key decision maker in the financial affairs of so many bright, successful individuals.
What Do You Enjoy Most About Working at KARWA?
I love the passion and commitment to excellence that my colleagues at KAR embody every day. Our firm takes great pride in the long-lasting relationships we’ve developed with our clients and strives to create a culture built on loyalty, honesty, and trustworthiness.
How Does KARWA Approach Wealth Management Differently?
Our investment management team is committed to quality. We attempt to mitigate risk by carefully selecting strong businesses with consistent earnings, low debt, and strong cash flow. We believe these are the companies most likely to generate robust results no matter the market environment.
What Do You Hope to Achieve for Your Clients?
I love putting in the time to truly understand how my clients think and feel about money so I can ultimately create a sustainable financial plan that will help them use money as a tool to do all the things in life that are most meaningful to them.
What Are You Involved in Outside of Work?
I enjoy being active and outdoors, whether it’s at the beach, on the slopes, or on the golf course. I’m the youngest of three, and have four nieces and one nephew living nearby. I’m also a loyal fan of the San Diego Padres and LA Chargers.
If you have any questions regarding a particular professional’s credentials or for more information regarding each credential’s requirements and qualifications, please contact KAR to receive a copy of your professional’s Form ADV Part 2B.
Barron’s “Top 100 Independent Advisors”: The Barron’s “Top 100 Independent Advisors 2024” was given in September 2024 and covers the year 2024. KAR has not paid a fee to participate in the rankings but has paid fees for a license to reprint and distribute the results of the rankings.
Forbes “Top RIA Firms”: The Forbes Top RIA Firms 2024 ranking was issued in October 2024 and covers the year 2024. KAR has not paid a fee to participate in the rankings but has paid fees for a license to reprint and distribute the results of the rankings.
This information is being provided by KAR for illustrative purposes only. Information contained on this site is not intended by KAR to be interpreted as investment advice, a recommendation or solicitation to purchase securities, or a recommendation of a particular course of action and has not been updated since the date of the material, and KAR does not undertake to update the information presented should it change. This information is based on KAR’s opinions at the time of the publication of this material and are subject to change based on market activity. There is no guarantee that any forecasts made will come to pass. KAR makes no warranty as to the accuracy or reliability of the information contained herein. The information provided here should not be considered to be insurance, legal, or tax advice and all investors should consult their insurance, legal, and tax professionals about the specifics of their own insurance, estate, and tax situations to determine any proper course of action for them. KAR does not provide insurance, legal, or tax advice, and information presented here may not be true or applicable for all investor situations. Additional information about KAR’s services and fees may be found in KAR’s Part 2A of Form ADV, which is available upon request or can be found at https://kayne.com/wp-content/uploads/ADV-Part-2A.pdf.