Douglas S. Foreman, CFA

Co-Chief Investment Officer and member of the Executive Management Committee

Start Date
Industry: 1986
KAR: 2011
Research Experience: 1986
  • MBA, Harvard University
  • B.S., Marine Engineering, U.S. Naval Academy
Prior Work Experience
  • Director of Equities – HighMark Capital Management
  • Group Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of U.S. Equities – Trust Company of the West
  • Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst – Putnam Investments

What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Job?

When I was in the Navy, investing became a hobby for me. I used to read a lot of books on investing. And I figured out that if I could make a living at a hobby that I enjoyed then it was a good profession to pursue.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Working at KAR?

The most enjoyable part of working at KAR is the people. It is really a family type of environment. Everyone is truly interested in doing what is best for our clients and, as a firm, we are focused on doing the right thing. The investment group is always interested in learning and becoming better investors. They are always striving to find the best ways to invest our clients’ money and I am truly proud of this as this is how our business should be oriented.

What Are You Involved in Outside of Work?

When I am not in the office I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids. I also love golfing. I spend a fair amount of time trying to improve my game (not that it has worked out that well so far!) I also enjoy boating. I spent a number of years in the Navy and I still enjoy being out in the water to this day.

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Contact Douglas S. Foreman, CFA

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