Press Release

KAR's Chris Armbruster Quoted in CIO Magazine

January 7, 2021

Chris Armbruster was quoted in a recent article in CIO Magazine in an article titled “Index-Besotted Institutions Miss Out on Good Deal: Stock Pickers.” The article discusses passive vs. active and the benefits of active management.

Active management allows managers to zero in on up-and-comers with business advantages that aren’t yet widely known. One example is Holdings, said Christopher Armbruster, senior research analyst at Kayne Anderson Rudnick, which manages money for institutions.

Stock in the company, whose cloud-based software automates back-office financial operations, has almost quadrupled since its late 2019 initial public offering (IPO). While it has not yet turned a profit, revenue is burgeoning. The outfit can cut a small business’s spending on receivables in half, he said.

A link to the full article can be found here:


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