Press Release

Spuds Powell's Citywire Profile

July 21, 2021

In his recent Citywire profile, Spuds Powell, Managing Director, details how he steps in immediately as his client’s confidant, advocating for their best interests and driving discussions with their remaining team of financial professionals such as insurance agents, attorneys, accountants, etc.

Independently managing financial obligations during a period of loss can seem frightening and almost impossible, especially if you had no prior involvement in family finances.

For Spuds, everything starts with developing deep, personal relationships with clients from the beginning so they know they can rely on him to navigate any life circumstance.

“The key is to express genuine and authentic interest in them and their spouse and their families, how they’re feeling, what their worries are, what keeps them up at night. Ask really good questions. Be a great listener. Be present.”


Read the full Citywire feature:


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