Press Release

Stopping New Retirees From Making Bad Decisions

September 21, 2021

SF based advisor Grace Apuy shares her thoughts for new retirees in her recent Rethinking65 article

‘In my 15 years as a financial planner, I’ve seen how jarring the transition to retirement can be for clients as they navigate major lifestyle changes, tackle difficult family dynamics, and adjust to a dramatically different relationship with money.


Sometimes that transition results in decision-making or behaviors that adversely impact financial growth and well-being. As a wealth advisor, my goal is to identify and eliminate these problem areas and ensure financial plans reflect the clients’ true wishes — while maximizing the potential for wealth preservation and accumulation.’
– G. Apuy


In addressing the potential challenges one faces at retirement, it is first helpful to understand the emotions at play and the triggers behind them.  Click to read the full piece:


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